Monday, August 4, 2014

Flying outside of the birdcage

I am so excited to begin my blogging journey, but first I want to start by telling you a little bit about myself.  My name is MacKenzie and I first began expressing my fashion sense to the world through youtube videos.  My channel is called outside of the birdcage and for a year now I have posted and created videos.  Now I want to expand, I figured the next step would be to create a blog.  The first step I had to take when creating my youtube account was to create a name and with that my entire brand.  It took me a long time to decide what I wanted to be know by.  I knew I did not want to go by my name because that did not express my true message I wanted to deliver to my audience.  Eventually it came to me, I have always felt my style is not run of the mill.  I do not follow trends or fads.  I wear what I love and things that make me feel like myself.  My first thought was to do a play of words like "outside of the box" and some how turn that saying into a way to describe my style.  At this time I had recently discovered my love of birdcages and the underlying meaning of what they could represent metaphorically.  One night as I was reading, I looked up at my rustic birdcage perched on my dresser and it came to me.  The perfect name for my video blogs would be outside of the birdcage.  It was perfect. It symbolized everything I wanted my blog to stand for, fashion that did not follow the norm but brakes the hold of conformity.  Flying outside of the birdcage means as a person you have escaped the metal walls society and media wants us to live in and instead have chosen to be different.  You don't change to fit the mold, you create it. 

Here are some pictures me and my personal photographer, my sister, took to use for my blog,youtube channel, and google plus profiles .  Also check out my personal instagram and my instagram for this blog. xoxo

sweater by H&M / necklace by World Market / shorts by American Eagle / boot socks by Three bird nest / cowgirl boots by Christensen's Western Saddlery

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